boxed in to a corner in Glasgow, School boy error.  I learn from my mistake and didn’t move for the rest of the evening.  Truth is after my afternoon walk, every time I moved my leg cramped, whatsat sonnie?

Right, instrument count... I mean stage photo time.  All present and correct, Yuuki’s P Bass nestling in the corner.  Also, a mountain of other gear for the support bands.  There was barely an inch of bare stage.  Photos taken.  I have a look about and happy to see a good mix of Chai and Superorganism T shirts. I held the loo door open for a guy in a striking American Flag shirt.  I headed to front and centre of stage.  I got

I don't have the rights to play any Chai on my website so instead why not listen to Drum Machines Can't Dance while you read.  If you like please click on Home to check out more of my tunes.

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Lazarus Kane, Rhumba Club, Chai, Village Underground, London, 28th October 2019.

While I was growing up, we had a Beagle called Barney, too smart for its own good (my uncle had already used Snoopy). We had a game where we would say riskit or lockies to the dog.  Barney would sit there and cock his head to one side and give you a look of “you say riskit or biscuit?”

I pass their questions three and enter the Village Underground, no village and questionably underground but cool place.  Big stage (fortunately), no seats (unfortunately).  If this fills it’s going to be good.

CHAI - Village Underground, London, 28th October 2019

  • Teethgrinder (Therapy? Cover)3:26


The Merch stall is on the way in so I stop to get my T Shirt.  Only small left, bah.  Foiled again. The lass held it up, I thought that’s too small for Orono. If it wasn’t for those meddling kids.  Looks like a £40 Benny Hat from the online store for my xmas pressie then.

To get in to the Village Underground you have to pass three people.  The first askes for ID, the second scans your ticket and stamps your hand, the third gives you a frisk.  Sorry this has been on my tits since that night so I’m gonna rant.  Back to the first guy.  I have no problem showing ID to anyone that asks, and did so.  But my head was thinking “what does this gain?” He looked at my picture, looked at me, looked back at the picture.  Yip I gave you a picture of me, what were you expecting me to do?  Bear in mind this guy did not check my ticket so doesn’t know what my name is, the card could have said Katie White, he doesn’t know that’s not my name.  I bet if I asked him what my name was when he handed the card back he would have said David or Douglas.  I didn’t ask him, instead I gave him the “Riskit” look. Pointless Endeavour.  Thank you for listening... back to the blog.