As becoming the norm, first stop Merc Stall. OMAM claw some points from Chai, Tee Shirts in my size, yay. Off to Photograph the stage, also notice it’s not too crowded so adopting the same strategy again I get as near and centre as I can and don’t move for the rest of the night.

OF MONSTERS AND MEN - O2 Academy, Glasgow, 31st October 2019


of Blondie (the band) meets yeah yeah Yeahs, really enjoyed them. Nicely set up for Of Monsters and Men.

Black Honey, Of Monsters and Men, O2 Academy, Glasgow, 31st October 2019. (Halloween)

I don't have the rights to play any Chai on my website so instead why not listen to Drum Machines Can't Dance while you read.  If you like please click on Home to check out more of my tunes.

I know this blog is very Chaicentral but don’t underestimate what it means to finally see Of Monsters and Men. I’m about 70% sure it was OMAM I was searching for when I stumbled on to Superorganisms on KEXP YouTube.  I don’t know what it was about superorganisms but I stopped, listened, loved them. Of Monsters and Men - Superorganism – Chai – Stealing Sheep - Ophelia Lies – Lazarus Kane – Rhumba Club – Black Honey and finish back with Of Monsters and Men (side note, I also follow Laulia, Nova Twins and Wolf Alice. Linked through a different line, or so I thought till I Notice Stealing Sheep and Laulia follow each other on Instagram. Makes a lovely Venn Diagram, mmm ).

Aw come on, OMAM obviously in cahoots with Chai. On come Black Honey, Izzy looks stunning in her Red Devil Outfit, they were amazing.  I didn’t know who the support was going to be and I hadn’t heard of Black Honey.  Turns out I was in the minority.  There was an obvious fan base in the crowd, none more so when one of their tunes had long pauses through it.  The crowd completely silent at the right moments.  Then erupts at the end (Hello Today).  They were sort

I arrive at the venue, the queues small.  Good stuff.  I cross the road and Mr Yellow Vest tells me this queue is for O2 priority, if you don’t have O2 priority your queues road the corner.  Bah. If this was a film instead of a narrative, the camera would pan out to outer space to show the queue going round the world.  Ok not that long but I could have popped in for a coffee at my old flat off Victoria Road.  It actually moved quickly, probably because no one was checking for, let it lie...

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I don't have the rights to play any Chai on my website so instead why not listen to Drum Machines Can't Dance while you read.  If you like please click on Home to check out more of my tunes.

  • Clouds3:20